
Thursday, June 19, 2008

My Yearly Post

I'm so bad at this blogging thing, but I figure I better keep up with the times.

It's hard to believe that I've been a mom for over a year now. I now have dark circles and bags underneath my eyes. One day my dad actually asked me, "What is wrong with your eyes?". Great, just what a sleep deprived mom wants to hear. I've lost probably a quarter of my hair and my body is always achy somewhere. What a life! But you know what, it's great! I love being a mom.

Max is the cutest baby EVER. He's so alert and sharp. He picks up on new things so quickly now. It makes me proud :) I'm so impressed with him. He can understand English, Cantonese and Mandarin. To top it off, he can sign. It's crazy. My favorite thing that he does is his kisses.

My favorite part of the day is picking him up from daycare. Even when I've had the worst day, he can put a smile on my face. I just melt when I see him. He's always happy and excited to see me. I love it! It's a nice feeling to know that your baby still prefers you over your daycare provider even though they spend more time with your baby on most days.

Ok, enough blogging for now. Back to the grind!